So yesterday there was an "incident" in the Oklahoma vs Kansas game, actually two separate things that Baker Mayfield did that have people talking. At one point in the game there was a video of Mayfield yelling "he also has one win..go cheer on basketball" at what I am assuming was the student section. Another incident had him yelling at least what appeared to be f*ck you multiple times and then grabbing his crotch as you can see in the picture to the left.
Listen, I'm not saying that I condone the gesture or him yelling f*ck you at people but come on, if you think that is bad you shouldn't ever go sit in a student section in a big game or be on the field when players are talking back and forth. While I never played college sports I did go to almost every football and men's basketball game while I was in college and usually sat close to the field/court and I'll tell you this, there are way worse and way more personal things being by both fans and athletes. Like I said, I'm not saying its right to say f*ck you at anyone but sports are sports and trash talk is a huge part of sports both on and off the field. If everything was censored then sports would be so dry and that would take a big part of the in stadium out of play. In terms of the other thing Baker said, that's hilarious. Kansas has a laughable football program who is basically irrelevant, who knows what the fans were saying at him but when you are 1-9 and as bad as Kansas is I'm all for you talking shit because that's all you have sometimes but you also have to know its gonna be thrown right back at you.
Another reason I feel baker had a reason to even acknowledge Kansas and how bad their football program is, was because of the lack of respect and dirty shots they took at him all game (see photo on left). In case you didn't see, the Kansas players refused to shake his hands prior to the game (pictured below). Say what you want but that just isn't right, Ohio State vs Michigan, Auburn vs Alabama, whichever rivalry you wanna talk about, at least those players have enough class to shake hands and not take cheap shots 5 seconds after the quarter back threw it. I think I have made this suggestion before but Kansas just needs to cancel their football program. They have been an embarrassment on the field and now they are playing dirty with no consequences and there really isn't any room for that in college football.
Yes, I know a lot of people don't like Baker Mayfield and to be honest I am not a huge fan of him, but I will say this, he plays hard and plays with passion. College football needs more players like him, not necessarily with all of the off the field drama, but players that play the way he plays. I don't know much about the Oklahoma program but if i was playing I would want a guy like him on my team and I'm sure he is loved by his team mates for the way he plays. Weather it be guys like Deshaun Watson, Johnny Manziel, Cam Newton, Tim Tebow, or any other of number of players in the past decade, these guys play with everything they have and show their emotions on the field which I love. Now i'm not saying you have to be a big fan of Baker or any of the other guys on that list but they are good for college football. Some people you need to love and some people you need to hate and while I not like some guys who play in that style I do respect it and think that it is good for college football.
So Baker, keep playing hard, keep trash talking the other team and their fans if you want, as long as you can back it up and try not to get caught yelling f*ck you I'm all in for it. Also don't apologize for what you did, yea you probably should apologize for how you did it (saying F you multiple times) but if you go to a college or even professional football game then you should expect to hear some bad things said and if you can't handle that then go watch bowling or something.